1000 Locksmiths in New York City

February 18th, 2009 by Will Scott

My friend Matt McGee sent an email last night in which he discovered a new feature of Google Maps.

This makes for some very interesting results:

Restaurants New Orleans

New Orleans Restaurants

    New Orleans Restaurants

    David Mihm The Lazarus Project psp ‘s favorite:

    Locksmiths in New York City

    Notorious psp

    Locksmiths New York City

    Locksmiths New York City

    Must be a lot of locks in all those tall buildings to need so many locksmiths.

    This is an interesting development which makes me wonder about the statistical likelihood of one moving from the main search engine results to the maps view.

    If I had to guess i’d say it seems likely that this will lead to a wider implementation which will lead to stronger calls to action from the main search engine results page.


    So, funny story – I’m in New York for Search Engine Strategies and find myself invited to dinner by Yelp with my friend Mat Siltala (in all honesty they would have never invited me without him :)).

    The yelpers brough along a couple of happy customers. One was the guys who run the Big Gay Ice Cream Truck – an only in NY kind of thing – and the other was, drumroll please, a Locksmith! NYC is famous thanks to this post and a couple others for Locksmith spam. But here’s this guy, an honest and dependable practicioner having dinner with us in the East Village NY. Locksmiths, to hear him tell it, may deserve their bad rap, but Jay publishes prices right on his site and has nothing but 5 star reviews on Yelp.