5 for Friday — Links, Stories & Posts for Your Weekend
December 14th, 2012 by
Wanderful Media conducted a shopping survey of over 1,000 U.S. adults and released their findings yesterday. Millennials were the group most inclined to go online to check prices or other product information. The most common online research tool used while in stores were search engines (84 percent), followed by Amazon (76 percent).
• Google “Censors” Porn in Image Search – Search Engine Journal
We’ve all unintentionally image-searched a questionable keyword in mixed company to embarrassing and/or hilarious results. Thanks to Google’s new censorship filter of explicit content on image search, no more embarrassment! Google Images’ latest algorithm change has replaced SafeSearch with the new options of “filter explicit images,” and “report offensive images.”
• Combating Accidental Clicks in Mobile Ads – Google Mobile Ads Blog
As advertisers and users alike become frustrated at the high number of accidental clicks on their mobile ads, Google is looking to combat the problem by verifying with users that they really meant to click there. They’ve found the majority of accidental clicks occur when users are trying to scroll through or click on in-app content. This update will make the user experience consistent across the majority of Google mobile ads.
• Hands On With New Google Maps For iOS: Easier On The Eyes And Faster For The Fingers – Forbes
After a three-month hiatus, Google Maps for iOS has finally returned, entering the Apple App Store at #1. The new UI is representative of Google’s usual minimalism and strips away unnecessary information. Turn-by-turn navigation puts the user in the turn and the layering of information is quite handy!
• Bacon, Not Kevin: Twitter Adds Negative Keyword Targeting for Promoted Tweets – Marketing Pilgrim
Emulating the great search engines before it, Twitter is making strides towards improving the relevancy of Promoted Tweets. Adding to exact match, phrase match, and basic keyword match, Twitter announced negative keyword targeting. Advertisers now also have the ability to hook their Tweets onto trending words or hashtags with a feature called “auto-match.”