5 For Friday — Links, Stories & Posts For Your Weekend
December 2nd, 2011 by
Preventing Negative PRs Online — ProNet Advertising
When it comes to SEO and public relations, asserting your online reputation and connecting with your fans is important. However, this proactivity must be balanced with care not to draw any fire upon yourself or your company. Check out this handy article to discover what you can do to get on top of your PR before problems even arise!
Thanksgiving Wishbone Competitiveness & Content Marketing Tips – Who Knew? — TopRank Blog
Thanksgiving has passed and we’ve all come out of our mashed potato comas, but the turkey still has a lesson or two to teach us. Read on at TopRank to get Susan Misukanis’s “wishbone strategy” on content marketing.
How The Internet Looked in 1996 vs 2011 [Infographic] — SocialTimes
Now here’s a blast from the past: this informative graphic diagrams every change imaginable from the tiny village of 1996 Internet to the bustling metropolis of the 2011 version we know and love today. What do you think is the next big thing?
What Your Analytics Software is Hiding From You — KISSMetrics
Are you relying exclusively on Google Analytics for information on your site traffic and visitor stats? You may be missing out on valuable data. This article takes a look at the most prevalent holes in the system and the logistics behind them.
How To Get A Link From A Blogger — Local SEO Guide
Well, that’s one way to do it. Check out how one clever webmaster got a link to his domain from Local SEO Guide’s Andrew Shotland with a little innovation and a fair amount of chutzpah.
I really enjoyed the link building idea shared by Andrew Shotland. However, I believe such a tactic would rarely work. The blogger/webmaster you contact should have a really great sense of humor and I don’t think trying such tactic is recommended if you completely do not know the person you are contacting. Therefore, I’m not really sure if the link builder got lucky by picking out Andrew’s sense of humor, or he really did a good research 🙂