5 for Friday – Google Changes Its Logo, Apple Buys Beats, Internet Trends Report and More!
May 30th, 2014 by
1.Google Made the Slightest Change to Its Logo and Users Still Noticed – Mashable
Google changed its logo and chances are, you probably didn’t even notice. The nerds did, though. Here’s a GIF of the logo, before and after.
2.Apple Confirms It Will Buy Beats for $3 Billion – Mashable
Apple confirmed the largest acquisition in company history – they will buy Beats Electronics and Beats Music for a cool $3 billion. No big deal, really.
3. Lawyers Sue SEO Firm For Violating Google Guidelines – Search Engine Land
A Michigan law firm is suing its former SEO company for allegedly using “spammy” techniques violating Google’s guidelines. I’ve been with Search Influence since October 2013 and have already seen changes in industry best practices, so it’ll be interesting to see what this means for SEO companies moving forward.
4. The Most Important Insights From Mary Meeker’s 2014 Internet Trends Report – TechCrunch
TechCrunch breaks down Meeker’s 164 slide report into 52 more digestible nuggets. Here are the 5 I found most interesting:
- Mobile now accounts for 25% of all web usage
- Internet advertising grew 16% this year
- Music streaming is up, sales are down – sales fell in 2013, while streaming grew 32%
- Photo sharing up 50% over 2013 in just the first half of 2014
- 84% of mobile owners use their devices while watching TV

5. 7 Essential LinkedIn Marketing Stats: When to Post, What to Post and How to Improve – Search Engine Journal
An interesting read about the third-fastest-growing social network. Don’t believe me? LinkedIn sends nearly four times more people to your homepage than Twitter and Facebook. Combined.
Very informative, thank you Sarah. Referring to item #3 – you can’t mess with Google guidelines! When will the violators learn?