Lethal Commission Review or How to Get Rich on the Internet
December 1st, 2011 by
What is Lethal Commission? From its trailer it is dubbed as the world’s first full-length Internet marketing movie. In actuality it is the most meta-tastic and downright embarrassing way to sell a product I’ve ever seen. To save myself some keystrokes, let’s just bypass the incoherent plot (involving a portly Indian spy stopping some sort of third-world Paypal thievery) and get into the meat and potatoes of what Singal is selling this time around.
Lethal Commission is the latest version of Singal’s affiliate marketing software. For those of you not in the know, affiliate marketing is a form of revenue sharing that pays commissions for referred business. I personally don’t even care if the software (which promises to help you get thousands of new site visitors and large sums of money) works – the effort to make a movie this gauche for it is so astounding I find it all perfectly acceptable.
How could I not? He’s an online “multi-millionaire” who swindling Internet-savvy autistics out of their disability checks through self-glorifying movies that would make the Troma guys wince. It’s pure malevolent genius. I honestly envy Singal for thinking outside of the spam box. Though based on his previous attempts at sell his software (see Commission Domination, Profit Jackpot, and numerous others), I suspect he had help pimping out his software this time around:
Oh don’t get me started on the various accolades which Singal presents as “proof of concept”. When he’s not flashing his 2010 tax returns, he’s boasting about the number of indexed pages which mention him. I swear dude should have just said “Google me” – because Google is now the authenticator of all things true on the Intertubes. It’s just too bad he didn’t Google himself or Singal would have realized the third result on the page indicates he is admittedly “so full of $#!+”.
I will never be surprised by the lengths people will go to get rich. There are hundreds if not thousands of people actively trying to sell the public useless junk online (my personal favorite is Sheryl “NO FEAR Millionaire” Walker). If anything, this is a cautionary tale for Internet entrepreneurs – don’t drink your own Koolaid. If you are hoping to get rich off the Internet through gullible dreamers, you should really take a look at the B-roll footage first.
Thanks to American rapper, actor, and television host, Alvin “Xzibit” Joiner for appearing in this post.