Find Out ‘What’s News’ in Miami, July 11-13
July 2nd, 2013 by
It’s that time of the year again, when media gurus convene for the annual AAN (Association of Alternative Newsmedia) convention, which is set to take over the Miami scene July 11th-13th. The 3-day convention is jammed packed with speakers discussing the latest in media and news technology, including our very own Will Scott, who will be presenting that Friday afternoon.

“Networking, Inspiration, Innovations, and Parties” are what you are slated to find at this year’s AAN convention.
In a time when the digital world is constantly changing and the concept of media is continually redefined, the 36th annual AAN convention is the perfect place to catch up with the latest and greatest. Top industry leaders, publishers, editors, and community organizers will be sharing their knowledge through presentations, workshops, and exhibits. The convention’s location in Miami lends itself to vibrant culture and alternative lifestyles, undoubtedly supporting the program’s 4 promises: Networking, Inspiration, Innovations, and Parties. Come out and see for yourself.

The 36th Annual AAN Convention in 2013 is hosted by the Miami New Times.
What exactly IS alternative newsmedia? The AAN prides itself on being a collection of news sources that focus on local culture and art, write in an informal and narrative style of journalism, and generally report on topics that are less likely to be covered by larger news providers. Think Washington City Paper, SF Weekly, and Miami New Times.
So if we are talking news, why is Search Influence going to be there? For one, Search Influence is helping to sponsor the event! More importantly, digital marketing is a large part online media, and many companies leverage digital media sources to advertise their services and connect to clients. Will’s session will highlight “20 Quick and Great Digital Revenue Ideas” that anyone can easily implement. Come learn more about how your business can better use online media from Will and fellow industry leaders Friday, July 12th from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m.
Recap: AAN 36th Annual Convention | Miami, Florida | July 11-13 | Networking + Inspiration + Innovations + Parties |Search Influence’s Will Scott