Fourth Annual Likes for Lives Results
November 4th, 2016 by
The fourth annual Likes for Lives campaign has come to a close, and it was a great success!
In case you missed it, for every new like the Search Influence Facebook page received during October, the company donated $1 to the Breastoration Fund, a program created by three breast cancer survivors. The Breastoration Fund provides financial and educational assistance for women seeking reconstructive surgery after breast cancer.
Our goal was to get 700 new likes on our company Facebook page, but we ended up with 751! However, instead of just donating $751 to the Breastoration Fund, we rounded up—WAY UP—to $2,500!

Search Influence Co-founders Will Scott (left) and Angie Scott (right) present donation to Kim Sport (middle) with the Breastoration Fund.
“We believe Likes For Lives is a great way for Search Influence to contribute to breast cancer awareness, while also practicing what we preach on the importance of cause-based marketing in social media,” said Search Influence COO and Co-founder, Angie Scott. “To top it all off, we get to involve our employees in supporting an important cause in our community.”
We’d like to give a huge thank you to everyone who participated in this campaign, and we look forward to many more Octobers of supporting breast cancer awareness.