Improvements to Google+ Brand Pages
December 20th, 2011 by

- Multi-Admin support! – Brand Pages can now delegate up to 50 people as page managers or administrators. These administrators can make updates and posts to the page from their own accounts. Adding managers is easy. While logged in as the Google+ Page, click ‘Google+ settings’ in the Google bar and select managers. Here, you can add managers by email address.
- Streamlined notifications – When logged is as a Google+ Page, notifications now work as expected in the Google bar. Multiple managers are now involved in all activity that takes place on the page, and can be sure to keep up with the conversation.
- Aggregate count of engaged users – Now, when a user looks at a Google+ Page, they will see a number representative of all +1s and followers. This number provides more clarity and reflects all users who have interacted with the page, as opposed to only those who’ve added the page to their Circles.