Google SEO Guide UPDATE!
September 30th, 2010 by
On September 28, they released a new version with clues that help us better understand the updated algorithm and a glossary of terms (something desperately needed in the original). It covers everything from SEO basics to effectively promoting your site on the web. Plus you get to stare at a cute little robot with sod for hair, flowers for a right hand and missing the left one that he no doubt lost in an epic lightsaber battle with his creator.
What I don’t get is why Google is still a slave to paper in this day and age! Wouldn’t this information benefit from- oh, I don’t know- a website? That way it could have updates regularly as opposed to a major one every two years. I’m just spit-balling here…
I know this can be a bit overwhelming, but that’s what we’re here for! Now you can be as well informed as possible before you get frustrated and come to us to do it for you.