Here’s an Idea to Increase Your Facebook Following This October
September 19th, 2016 by
With 58% of Americans now on Facebook, it’s now more important than ever to make sure your customers — and those potential ones — LIKE your business’s Facebook page. But let’s face it, sometimes it is hard to convince your targeted audience to press that little LIKE button. But, we have a plan.

Introducing LIKES FOR LIVES.
What Is Likes for Lives?
Just in time for October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Likes for Lives is a Facebook fan-building initiative that encourages your targeted audiences to “like” your Facebook page. They simply like your page, and in exchange, your business makes a $1 donation to your choice of breast cancer awareness/research non-profit organizations.
Likes for Lives Works. Here’s 3088 Reasons.
In October 2013, Search Influence launched our own Likes for Lives campaign. We wanted to increase the number of people who liked our Facebook page and pledged $1 for each new like. We designed a special cover photo for our Facebook page that told people what we were doing:
We also launched a paid ad campaign on Facebook, targeting business owners who didn’t already like our page, who lived in the United States, with interests specific to industries we have done work. Here is an example of the ad we did (the arrow pointed directly to the LIKE button on our page):
The results? In just one month, we earned 3,088 new followers, and we decided to donate $5,000 to The Breastoration Fund. Now that’s a true win/win.
Since 2013, many of our clients have also incorporated Likes for Lives into their October marketing plans, many with similar results. They increased their Facebook following and were happy to donate to their own local breast cancer research/treatment non-profits.
Are you interested in learning more about this program? Contact us today to get started.
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