Higher Ed Marketing Insights From Paula French’s Article for University Business

September 13th, 2024 by Collin Guedon

Search Influence - Boosting Adult Learner Enrollment with University Business

Search Influence’s Director of Sales and Marketing Paula French recently wrote an article for University Business sharing expert insights for higher education marketers.

This article, titled “How to boost adult learner enrollment by tracking the right costs,” discusses the importance of establishing a metric-driven approach to efficiently attract the modern learner.

What Is University Business?

University Business is a leading news outlet that caters to top decision-makers in higher education.

It provides insights and strategies to college and university leaders across the United States, addressing challenges and trends in the academic world.

University Business helps higher education leaders make informed decisions through a combination of news analysis, exclusive interviews, and practical resources.

Insights From Paula French’s University Business Article

Paula French’s article in University Business highlights the crucial need for universities to shift their focus toward adult learners. This demographic presents a significant growth opportunity amidst declining traditional undergraduate enrollment. Adult learners are driven by professional outcomes, flexibility, and program reputation — making their needs distinct from those of traditional students.

Featured on University Business - CPI and CPE are the true north metrics

To effectively market to this group, universities must prioritize tracking key metrics — namely, cost per inquiry (CPI) and cost per enrolled student. These “true north” metrics provide critical insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing efforts, allowing institutions to allocate resources more strategically. Paula emphasizes that while campaign-level metrics like click-through rates are important, the ultimate goal is to drive enrollments, making CPI and cost per enrolled student the most valuable indicators of success.

The article also notes that many institutions lack visibility into these metrics, presenting a missed opportunity to optimize marketing spend and improve ROI. By focusing on these metrics, universities can make data-driven decisions that enhance campaign performance, drive enrollment, and ensure long-term success in a competitive educational landscape.

Read the full article for even more digital marketing for higher education insights.

Contact Our Higher Education Marketing Agency

Ready to strengthen your institution’s marketing strategy?

At Search Influence, we specialize in helping universities optimize their potential.

To get started, download our comprehensive research report, Higher Ed Marketing Metrics: What Gets Measured Gets Managed, created in collaboration with UPCEA.

This report provides crucial benchmarks for CPI and cost per enrolled student, helping you track and improve your marketing outcomes.

Contact us today to learn how we can help your institution achieve its enrollment goals with our higher education marketing services.