How Repurposing Your Content Can Extend Its Shelf Life

August 23rd, 2019 by Paige Nulty

You may have noticed the recent box office trend of classic movies coming out again as modern remakes. From fairy tale retellings to musical biopics, some fans are excited to see their favorite characters come back to life, while other viewers might wonder why these stories are being repeated. Clearly, there’s a value in repurposing well-known content—based on the success of these movies—and it’s a value that businesses can borrow and put to use in their content marketing.

Scene from the 2019 version of The Lion King

What Does Repurposing Mean, Anyway?

When you see the word “repurpose,” you might be thinking of “revamping,” but there’s a very important difference between the two. Revamping is simply reusing old content for the same purpose that it was originally created. This tactic updates the timestamp on the content so it stays relevant, but it isn’t changing anything that would allow it to resonate with new audiences. Repurposing content means changing the format the content was originally presented, thereby reaching new audiences and enabling company growth.

To repurpose content, you wouldn’t simply repost an old Facebook photo or retweet an old stat; you have to be adding new value to the original. The real advantage of repurposing comes when you’re able to reach new customers in previously untouched segments for your business. Think about all the recent Marvel blockbusters. These superhero movies have created a massive base of fans, many of whom might not have read the comics but still enjoy watching the movies. Turning a classic comic into a big-screen action flick is a great example of how Marvel was able to repurpose their storylines into a different style of content and gain new, loyal customers.

I understand that reference

Which Content Is Worth Repurposing?

The effort of repurposing should only be used on your best performing content; after all, not every Avenger made the cut from page to screen. Because repurposing will breathe new life into your existing content, you don’t want to use something that’s too dated or low-quality.

How can you tell which pieces of content are the best? Look for what Buffer classifies as evergreen content, or content that is both timeless and high-quality. When your content isn’t dependent on a certain timeframe—things like limited deals or promotions—you can feel confident that it will remain relevant no matter when you repurpose. And if you know your content is high-quality, then you also know it will continue to get traffic. Analytics and lead tracking are great ways to find out how your customers interact with your site and what your strongest marketing efforts are.

How Can I Repurpose My Content?

Once you know which content of yours performs the best, it’s time to get creative and get your content in front of some new eyes. Four easy ways to start repurposing include:

    • Create an Infographic: Chances are, your business already has some pretty impressive statistics. But what’s the point of all those numbers if nobody knows them? Infographics help customers process data visually and are an easy way to turn lots of text into an image that’s more shareable on social media.
    • “Roundup” Blog Posts: An easy way to fill out a blog is with a repeating “roundup” post that compiles all your top hits at the end of every week or month. These not only create a place for customers to quickly find your best content, but it can also encourage regular visitors to read something they might have otherwise missed.
    • Turn Testimonials Into Case Studies: Case studies let you share your own successes from the perspective of your client. This information is valuable to potential customers who want to know how you were able to help people like them, and a well-written case study gives your current client the benefit of being promoted.
    • Turn Blog Posts Into Videos or Podcasts: Customers might love your regular posts, but when your content is only available in a readable form, it means you’re competing with other tasks in their day. By utilizing videos or podcasts, regular readers have more ways to enjoy your content, and it might even draw in new listeners who only have time for audio.

The ideas don’t have to stop there. With just a little brainstorming, you can come up with plenty of other ways to repurpose content.

Winnie The Pooh trying to think

Does Repurposing Content Even Work?

While a solid piece of work should be able to stand on its own, repurposing content gives you the ability to bring new life to something old and put it in front of a brand-new audience. While you might remember the original Disney animated classic of a recent remake, think of how many young viewers will experience the new version as their first movie-going experience. And, more importantly, how many will become lifelong fans after that.

Repurposing content meets some very important business needs, too. Marketer Neil Patel’s recommendation of “write less… promote more” allows companies to save time in their creation process while still getting their name out there. Repurposing content allows you to do less work while actually gaining more rewards.

From those classic movie remakes to sitcom spinoff series to covers of songs that become more popular than the original, everyone has been exposed to repurposed content in some form or another. As Mark Twain said, “there is no such thing as a new idea,” but one good idea can inspire countless more. By keeping all your great content to yourself or leaving old blog posts to get dusty on the metaphorical shelves of your website, you’ll never know how many great ideas it could spawn.

Starting with quality content is the best way to create new ideas you’ll want to repurpose again and again. From SEO services to social media management, Search Influence knows how to help businesses develop that content. Let’s chat about how we can help you.


Lion King


