6 Ways Your Surgery Practice Can Market the New Gummy Bear Breast Implants
March 11th, 2013 by
Sientra gel implants were approved in March 2012, and Allergan’s gummy bear breast implants were approved February 20, 2013. Now is your opportunity to talk about the new cohesive gels.
When Search Influence was founded in 2006, plastic surgeons were our core client base. The company has grown and expanded in the years since, thus the industries we serve now are varied with attorneys, B2B, franchises, auto dealerships and so forth. We still work with many plastic surgeons, and these plastic surgeons are asking us daily how to reach their consumers and tell their potential patients about the new cohesive gel implants.
You Have to Tell People You Offer These
Your potential patients don’t know you offer the new Allergan breast implants if you don’t say it. In the online world, that means you say it on your site. Create a new page talking about the new implants and what you like about them. Be professional and be friendly in telling potential patients why these implants are good and give more details about them. That is why people go to any website – they want information. So give them some quality information. Quality information will make a great first impression, and when they come in for a consult, they will have more educated questions.
Cross Promotion
If you are a cosmetic or plastic surgeon, surely you have a breast augmentation or breast implants page on your website. Cross promote! If you have a page that talks about augmentation in any way, then you might mention (with a link), “Hey, go read my new page about the new Allergan 410 implants.” If they are reading about augmentation, then of course they want the latest and the greatest, and you should point them that way.
Embrace the Hype
If you have a blog, definitely write some posts about it. Get the surgeon’s’ perspective on the benefits and the considerations of the cohesive gel breast implants. Anticipate the questions that will be asked and go ahead and answer them on your blog. Educate your site readers.
Reach Out to Current Fans
So reaching new potential patients is how you grow your business. You always look for new business, but don’t forget about the current patients. I’m sure there is some fancy statistic somewhere that says what percentage of patients are repeat customers, and each practice is unique. But if you are a cosmetic or a plastic surgeon, then you already know that engaging with current patients helps keep them loyal to you when they have more surgeries in the future as they age. We already talked about Facebook and Twitter and blogging, and you have yet another opportunity in reaching them in their in-boxes.
I hope you have been collecting an email list, and I hope you have an established history of sending newsletters to your patients. If you don’t have an email list, start building one today. If you have a newsletter but maybe get a little lazy or a little distracted and only send the newsletter out a few times a year, you need to get organized! Put someone in charge of getting a newsletter out once per quarter at a minimum. Once a month would be ideal.
Usually, a newsletter will have 2 or 3 articles or topics. For special circumstances, such as announcing that you are offering the new Allergan Natrelle 410 shaped gel breast implants to patients, you might want to think about a single message newsletter. It has a lot of impact as a single message, focused announcement.
Paid Search
If you need help marketing your practice, we would love to help. Just give us a call and we can discuss the best way to help you spread the word.