Meet Paula Keller French, Director of Sales & Marketing, Search Influence
March 1st, 2017 by
This blog is part of a series Search Influence is doing in anticipation of International Women’s Day on March 8th. We love to tout that 70% of our staff members are women and 66% of our senior management team are women, too. Far above the 20% average seen in the technology industry.
With a degree in marketing from E. J. Ourso College of Business at Louisiana State University, Paula Keller French has always been big on planning ahead. Now, as the Director of Sales & Marketing with Search Influence and moving into her seventh year with the company, she eagerly stays focused on turning her plans into reality.
“Currently, my priority is creating our sales department from the ground up, including creating processes and training, coaching our new team, and hiring new sales executives,” said Paula. “My team’s goal is to play online marketing matchmaker by identifying the right marketing solutions to match business goals to help companies in almost any industry optimize their potential, with a heavy hand in medical, legal, tourism, manufacturing, and home services.”
“I love telling others about the great results you can achieve for clients with online marketing,” she explained.
Amidst all of these moving parts in her career, Paula still makes time for the important life moments. Another credit to her ability to plan ahead, she also relies on supportive friends and family to keep the scales balanced.
“When we have an invite on the table, I try to always say yes, even if that means I need to jet from the office at five every once and awhile,” she said. “If I plan ahead on my work, then those days are not usually a problem. I don’t mind doing some work on a free weekend if it means I get to take advantage of midweek fun!”
For Paula, fun usually consists of cooking and cocktails or getting out for a spin class or tennis game. Of course, as a newlywed, she also enjoys spending a free afternoon with her husband, Brent, most likely sipping white wine, eating boiled shrimp, and taking in views of Lake Pontchartrain. Family and friends always stay at the top of Paula’s priority list. In fact, she attributes a lot of her motivation and influence to her two sisters, Antonia and Alison, as well as her mom.
“Most prominently, they taught me to be positive and kind towards loved ones and strangers alike,” she said. “I’ll always remember my mom baking pies for the team at the tire repair shop for Christmas 2005, when she became a way-too-regular customer as a result of all the construction debris in the streets post-K. I was amazed at how much she went out of her way to thank them!”
Paula holds her relationships with her friends nearly as close. With a best friend she’s had since she was five years old, she remains thankful for the influx of supportive women in her life both personally and professionally. In fact, those relationships have had a tremendous impact on her identity today. So what would she tell a younger version of herself looking back?
“Keep up with your friends and don’t let anything come between you. I’ve had some fantastic friends over the years that I’ve lost touch with, from neighborhood buds to schoolmates. I would tell 8-year-old Paula to hold on to them and keep pushing to maintain that relationship.”
What an amazing young woman who inspires all you know her, and one who knows her priorities.