MonitorThis — Keep An Eye On Your Brand’s Online Reputation Without Lifting A Finger
May 31st, 2011 by
MonitorThis is a free service that collates results from 25 different global web resources into a single digest-style RSS feed. This list includes an impressive array of social media (from small-scale blog-focused projects such as blogdigger to the behemoth of Twitter), news aggregators like Google and Yahoo News, and sharing/discovery engines like Metacafe and Interestingly enough, Bing is also included in the sites aggregated– with its recent decision to start weighing Facebook likes into its SERP rankings, you’re getting a double whammy of meta-social search. The service observes results from all of these sources, updating its feed instantly so you can see your chosen keyword’s mention as soon as it’s indexed by the various engines’ spiders.
It’s unfeasible to track down every blog venue, review directory, social networking site and even article engine that may make mention of your brand or business, MonitorThis makes it easy to stay on top of every aspect of your online appearance. Simply import the OPML file into your favorite RSS reader and rest easy knowing you’ve got a watchful eye on your name and reputation.
[…] a free service that collates results from 25 different global search engines into a single RSS feed style report. We Americans naively […]