Plastic Surgery SEO – The Lighter Side: “Big Tits”
August 23rd, 2010 by
A friend and colleague forwarded me this wonderful little ditty. She does some of the best plastic surgery websites at the helm of her design and development company, and she knows what appeals to the viewer.
We do a fair amount of Plastic Surgery SEO around here and she knows better than anyone the trials of this industry.
So it’s no wonder we’re amused by a song entitled “Big Tits.”

Big Tits - Not to be confused with the "Great Tit"
No doubt you’ll be humming the refrain. Do be careful to keep it to yourself 🙂
My personal favorite line is:
“self esteem goes off the charts when you enhance your private parts”
Big Tits by Gordon Lustig
This song is copyright Gordon Lustig and is referenced here by permission. Please contact Mr. Lustig should you wish to license or use his work in any form.
Admittedly, plastic surgery SEO – particularly that done for cosmetic surgery – does seem gratuitous at times. So it’s nice to take one’s mind off of “one more article about boobs” as a former writer said and enjoy a little folk tune all about big tits.
You can enjoy more of Mr. Lustig’s work at his website or on his YouTube channel.
If you’re legitimately interested in Plastic Surgery SEO, you may be interested in some of our other articles:
- Internet marketing for plastic surgeons
- Facebook Advertising for plastic surgeons
- Should I Renew My Yellow Pages Ad
And just because my sense of humor occasionally runs too juvenile for one my age, more pictures tagged “Big Tits” on Flickr:
Images courtesy of:
I was just googling Gordon Lustig and ran across this post. Sweet illustrative photos — nice job selecting from amongst those tagged with “big tits”.
Seriously though, the graph showing SI’s performance for plastic surgery clients is impressive.
p.s. Thank you for the mention.
p.p.s. I think an ageless sense of humor is a good thing.