Maximizing that Press Release Link – Janet Meiners Thaeler
July 31st, 2009 by

Matt Siltala of Dream Systems Media
On our pal and colleague Matt Siltala ‘s site, Dream Systems Media, they just posted a great article from Janet MeinersThaeler, @NewspaperGrl on press releases and their SEO value.
We LOVE online PR around here!
The post is about online PR and how a press release can get you quality backlinks.
Start with a good story and then use online distribution.
The post has a link to a site that ranks press release distribution sites for their SEO value. It also gives tips on what to write about (finding a good topic is key to getting coverage from bloggers and journalists alike).
It’s a good read and validates our opinion and use of PR in support of website promotion.
Check it out and if you like it, tweet or Spinn it.
In case you missed it, I had the good fortune to be interviewed by Matt on a related subject “Press Releases and SEO ” a couple months back.
Thanks for the post. I’ve got a book coming out about this topic (one of my favorite too). I’ll have to send you a review copy and perhaps a few to give away on your blog.
I was just reading your post about Facebook marketing via Sphinn and saw your post with my name on it.
blog on,
@Janet (or should I say @ newspapergrl),
Thanks for taking the time to comment. I’ve really been enjoying your work on the DSM blog the last few weeks. Mr. Siltala gets the occasional non-public preview and online PR distribution rocks — so we’re kindred spirits.
And I will be ecstatic for a preview of the book. You can count on me for a thorough review too.
Thanks again. Come back soon,