Read This! — August 2012
August 7th, 2012 by
• The SMB Guide To Changing Business Names & SEO — Search Engine Land
Recently found yourself changing your business’s name and hemorrhaging precious web traffic? A shift in title doesn’t have to mean the end of your Internet edge. Check out these strategies to get all of your ducks in a row and preserve your web presence before, during and after the shift.
• How Amazon Grew My Audience By More Than 24,000 Readers in Three Days — Copyblogger
Amazon is a superb content marketing platform; if you’re ready to spread your knowledge to the world, it can be perfect place to both get publicity and increase your own sales. Check out this story of an experimental voyage into Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing program and how giving away stuff for free can net your personal brand big returns.
• Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP): What makes you different then the rest? — Nifty Marketing
Your business is unique, offering advantages distinct from everyone else in your industry. When you start working on marketing strategy, why not focus on that? Here are several examples from the industry that highlight the importance of knowing thyself and a practical guide to creating your own unique selling proposition.
• How To Merge Google+ Business Page With Google+ Local — Search Engine Roundtable
Exciting news for Google+ For Business users: you can now combine your business’s page with your Google+ Local page to get the best of both worlds! This how-to gives you all the information you need to position your local data right next to your social posts in a heartbeat.
• How to Conduct a PPC Audit in 5 Minutes — Search Engine Watch
PPC, or point-per-click, advertising is a source of mystery to many — and interpreting the results can be even trickier. In this clear and concise guide, Search Engine Watch’s Noran El-Shinnawy lays out the steps to doing a basic check of your PPC stats and demystifies the meaning behind the figures.