Search Influence Team Becomes Bing Ads Certified
October 9th, 2012 by

As of September 28th, the Search Influence account management team has 12 Bing Ads accredited members on staff in addition to the 12 team members who received Google AdWords certification last spring. We are constantly striving to improve our training and credentials so that we can provide the highest level of knowledge and most value for our clients. With both Bing and Google ad-certified professionals, we are the most accredited Online Ad team on the entire Gulf Coast. You can see the full list of accredited SI employees in Bing’s Find a Pro Directory. We’re very excited about our expanded knowledge in the Bing Ads program, and loved the interaction we received from Bing about our enthusiasm for the program! Talk about great customer service.
Congratulations to our Accounts team for this very cool achievement!